RSA Temp. Space Qualifiers

Temp. space qualifiers for RSA based cryptography. More...


 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_keychk_prv() and c4e_rsa_keychk_pub().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_encrypt_pkcs1v1().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_decrypt_pkcs1v1().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_sign_pkcs1v1().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_verify_pkcs1v1().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_decrypt_pkcs1v2().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_sign_pkcs1v2().
 Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_verify_pkcs1v2().
 Temp. space qualifier for the best-case.
 Temp. space qualifier for the worst-case.

Detailed Description

Temp. space qualifiers for RSA based cryptography.

The temp. space qualifiers shall be used as first argument to macro C4E_RSA_TMP_NUM(). Finally they determine the size of temporary memory space (an array of elements of type C4eAlgo32Digit), which must be provided by the caller to some RSA functions.

Define Documentation


Temp. space qualifier associated with c4e_rsa_encrypt_pkcs1v2()

Definition at line 158 of file c4e_rsa.h.


Temp. space qualifier for the best-case.

This means: It can be used for all RSA functions under the precondition p < q respective C4eRsaKeyPrv::p::z::size < C4eRsaKeyPrv::q::z::size. But notice that using this define may allocate more memory space as required by a particular RSA function.

The condition p < q can be ensured by exchanging p and q during key generation. If OpenSSL is used for that purpose, then this precondition seems to be always true.

Definition at line 199 of file c4e_rsa.h.


Temp. space qualifier for the worst-case.

This means:

  • requires the maximum memory space, with respect to all other temp. space qualifiers here;
  • is without any restriction to the size of RSA key prime numbers p and q (in contrast see C4E_RSA_TMPID_PKCS1_MAX).

Definition at line 211 of file c4e_rsa.h.