Discrete logarithm (DL) domain parameters (public). More...
#include <c4e_dlc.h>
Data Fields | |
C4eElemOsp | m |
C4eElemOsp | q |
C4eElement | g |
Discrete logarithm (DL) domain parameters (public).
Polk, W., Housley, R. and L. Bassham: Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. RFC 3279, IETF, April 2002.
Standard Specifications For Public-Key Cryptography. Std 1363-2000, IEEE, 2000.
Digitale Signature Standard. FIPS Publication 186, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1994.
Definition at line 78 of file c4e_dlc.h.
The modulus p of prime field .
Member m.val is the big number representation of modulus p. m.len is the maximum size of a field element in prime field , in bytes (for example 128U for a 1024 bit modulus). Using some mathematics this means for finite field that member m.len can be calculated by: .
A prime divisor of , with the order of multiplicative subgroup . It's length q.len should be at least (see FIPS 186-4, section 4.2 for compliant values):
q.len also determines the length of a DSA signature, which is: 2U * q.len.
An element of (with ), forming a multiplicative subgroup .