Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (DLC)

Fundamental declarations and definitions for algorithms based on discrete logarithm problem. More...

Data Structures

struct  C4eDlcDomain
 Discrete logarithm (DL) domain parameters (public). More...


 DLC Temp. Space Qualifiers

Temp. space qualifiers for DL based cryptography (exclusive RSA).

 Diffie-Hellman (DH)

Diffie-Hellman shared secret computation in discrete logarithm (DL) domain.

 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) in discrete logarithm (DL) domain.


 Maximum allowed size (in bytes) of a discrete logarithm (DL) domain modulus in C4eDlcDomain::m.


C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_domchk (C4eArchUint algos, C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain *dom)
 A simple (and fast) discrete logarithm domain parameters validity test.
C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_keychk_prv (C4eArchUint algos, C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain *C4E_RESTRICT dom, C4E_CONST C4eElement *C4E_RESTRICT key, C4eArchDigit tmp[C4E_RESTRICT])
 Discrete logarithm (DL) domain private key validity test.
C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_keychk_pub (C4eArchUint algos, C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain *C4E_RESTRICT dom, C4E_CONST C4eElement *C4E_RESTRICT key, C4eArchDigit tmp[C4E_RESTRICT])
 Discrete logarithm (DL) domain public key validity test.

DLC Algorithm Identifiers

Algorithm identifiers for Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (DLC), to be used as parameter to c4e_dlc_domchk().

 "unspecific" algorithm identifier.
#define C4E_DLC_ALGO_DH
 DH algorithm identifier.
#define C4E_DLC_ALGO_DSA
 DSA algorithm identifier.
#define C4E_DLC_ALGO_RSA
 RSA algorithm identifier.
#define C4E_DLC_ALGO_ALL
 "all" algorithm identifier.

Detailed Description

Fundamental declarations and definitions for algorithms based on discrete logarithm problem.

Define Documentation


Maximum allowed size (in bytes) of a discrete logarithm (DL) domain modulus in C4eDlcDomain::m.

Simply undefine C4E_DLC_GF_BYTES_MAX to support longer (unlimited) modulus sizes. Modify it if you want to limit the size of a modulus to this value (recommended for static memory reservation).

Definition at line 158 of file c4e_dlc.h.

Function Documentation

C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_domchk ( C4eArchUint  algos,
C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain dom 

A simple (and fast) discrete logarithm domain parameters validity test.

Function c4e_dlc_domchk() checks the following conditions:

  1. The modulus dom->m.val must be odd and greater than zero.
  2. The size of modulus dom->m.val must be less than C4E_ELEM_DIGITS_NUM(dom->m.len).
  3. The field size dom->m.len must be less/equal C4E_DLC_GF_BYTES_MAX (if defined).

If algos does contain C4E_DLC_ALGO_DSA then the following additional conditions are checked:

This test is not fully conforming to IEEE Std 1363, annex A.16.2, FIPS 186-4, annex A.1.2.2 and NIST SP800-89, section 4. Especially condition #7 of FIPS 186-4, annex A.1.2.2 is not checked: $ p-1 \bmod q = 0 $.
All big numbers in dom must be normalized, for example by using functions c4e_elem_norm() or c4e_elem_os2e().

Standard Specifications For Public-Key Cryptography. Std 1363-2000, IEEE, 2000.

Digitale Signature Standard (DSS). FIPS Publication 186-4, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2013.

NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 2: Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography. 2013.

NIST Special Publication 800-89: Recommendation for Obtaining Assurances for Digital Signature Applications. 2006.

[in] algos Algorithm identifiers to check domain parameters for (or'ed together).
[in] dom Pointer to domain parameters.
Validity status of dom.
Return values:
C4E_STATUS_OK If the domain parameters are usable for all calculations (valid in the sense of this implementation).
other If one of the domain parameters is invalid.
See also:
If CRY4E supports key generation (may be in the future) then implement additional tests according to IEEE Std 1363, annex A.16.2.
C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_keychk_prv ( C4eArchUint  algos,
C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain *C4E_RESTRICT  dom,
C4E_CONST C4eElement *C4E_RESTRICT  key,
C4eArchDigit  tmp[C4E_RESTRICT] 

Discrete logarithm (DL) domain private key validity test.

The function validates a private key d with respect to:

According to PKCS #3, section 7.1 the allowed range for a private key is: $ 0 < d < p−1 $. This has to be required because of Fermats little theorem, which for $ d = p-1 $ results in: $ e^{p-1} \equiv 1 \pmod p $.
The validity of the DL domain parameters in dom must be assured by the caller, either implicit or by using function c4e_dlc_domchk().
All big numbers in key and dom must be normalized, e.g. by using functions c4e_elem_norm() or c4e_elem_os2e().
Standard Specifications For Public-Key Cryptography. Std 1363-2000, IEEE, 2000.
Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: Agreement of Symmetric Keys Using Diffie-Hellman and MQV Algorithms (draft), ANSI X9.42, 1998.
NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 2: Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography. 2013.
Digitale Signature Standard (DSS). FIPS Publication 186-4, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2013.
[in] algos Algorithm identifiers to check the private key for (or'ed together).
[in] dom Pointer to DL domain parameters.
[in] key Private DL key to be tested.
tmp Array of dom->m.val.size temporary space elements.
Validity status of key.
Return values:
C4E_STATUS_OK If the key seems to be valid.
other If the key is invalid.
See also:
C4eDlcDomain, C4eElement
If CRY4E supports key generation (may be in the future) then implement additional tests according to NIST SP800-56A.
C4eSysStatus c4e_dlc_keychk_pub ( C4eArchUint  algos,
C4E_CONST C4eDlcDomain *C4E_RESTRICT  dom,
C4E_CONST C4eElement *C4E_RESTRICT  key,
C4eArchDigit  tmp[C4E_RESTRICT] 

Discrete logarithm (DL) domain public key validity test.

The function validates parameter key with respect to:

  • the allowed range: $ 1 < d < p $.
The validity of the DL domain parameters in dom must be assured by the caller, either implicit or by using function c4e_dlc_domchk().
All big numbers in key and dom must be normalized, e.g. by using functions c4e_elem_norm() or c4e_elem_os2e().
Standard Specifications For Public-Key Cryptography. Std 1363-2000, IEEE, 2000.
NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 2: Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography. 2013.
[in] algos Algorithm identifiers to check the public key for (or'ed together).
[in] dom Pointer to DL domain parameters.
[in] key Public DL key to be tested.
tmp Array of temporary space elements (unused at the moment).
Validity status of key.
Return values:
C4E_STATUS_OK If the key seems to be valid.
other If the key is invalid.
See also:
C4eDlcDomain, C4eElement
If CRY4E supports key generation (may be in the future) then implement additional tests according to NIST SP800-56A.